Photo ©Martha Morais

Mr.  J. Manuel Barroso, former President of the European Commission organised a lunch-debate on literary translation in the Berlaymont Building, Brussels, in November 2008. For this event he and the EC selected 16 literary European personalities (poets, a film producer, publishers, critics), including Myriam Diocaretz. Two photos of that event are included here.

The two pictures above were taken in Menorca, where photographer Toni Vidal held an exhibition of his portraits and photos of women, (also shown elsewhere later) and selected women writers from Spain. Myriam Diocaretz has collaborated with Toni by contributing with a poem in one of his books about the rocks and stones of Menorca. Toni is a great friend of poets and as such he usually includes poetic texts to go along with the photos in his publications. During this exhibition, he combined the portrait photography with printed sheets of poems and texts by some of the writers included in the exhibition. The poems and texts were hanging, like a wash of clothes, along the exhibition hall. In these two photos, Myriam Diocaretz is holding her own poems.